Pipeline modules and output | FOAM


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Pipeline modules

The pipeline consists of different modules that are ran sequentially. Each module produces some intermediate output, enabling modules to be skipped if they have been executed before. Later steps can thus be repeated with different settings without having to repeat the full pipeline.

By default, most modules will check and skip their execution if the output they would generate is already present. For example output from grid extraction is stored in a folder grid_summary at the same level as the directories for separate stars, and will only be needed once per (group of) theoretical grid(s). All other output will be stored in the folders for the different modelled stars (see ‘Setting up the directory’ in walkthrough). Additionally, when considering nested subgrids, the steps concerning pattern construction need only be performed once for the full non-nested grid without repeating for each nested subgrid.

A lot of the intermediate output is stored in hdf5 files, these can be easily read using the pandas.read_hdf() functionality of the pandas python package.

An empty template script for the pipeline is given by foam/pipeline/pipeline.py, and examples with some settings filled in can be found in the example setup. The different modules of the pipeline are listed below along with a short explanation of their functionality, and the output they produce. The naming scheme for the output is explained below.

Naming scheme clarification (click to expand)
Each word in the filenames enclosed by {} indicates that it is replaced by a value to indicate certain configuration settings. A short overview is given here:
  • rotation_gyre the rotational frequency used in the GYRE computations in d^-1
  • kval meridional degree (k value) of the mode ID (k,m) used in GYRE
  • mval azimuthal order (m value) of the mode ID (k,m) used in GYRE
  • grid the name of the specific theoretical grid used.
  • star the name of the modelled star.
  • observable indicates if periods or frequencies are used to construct the patterns
  • merit_function the merit function used to calculate goodness of fit, Mahalanobis Distance is abbreviated to MD, and reduced chi-squared is abbreviated to chi2
  • method the method used to generate the theoretical frequency patterns to match the observed pattern.
  • suffix_observables the asteroseismic observable used in the merit function. Period, period spacing, and frequency will be abbreviated as P, dP, and f, respectively. Contains '+extra' in case more observables are used in addition to the asteroseismic one.
  • n_sigma_box size in standard deviations of the box with models accepted as solutions compatible with the surface properties (logTeff, logL, logg).


Extract all required parameters and quantities from the MESA profiles and GYRE summary files in the theoretical grids. Requires the grids to be structured as explained in the walkthrough. This step will be required once for a (group of) theoretical grid(s). Modelling different stars with the same theoretical grid will all use the same summary files that this step creates.

Output (click to expand)
The grid_summary/ folder will be created one directory level upwards from the pipeline.py script to store
  • surfaceGrid_{grid}.hdf: the info extracted from the MESA profiles.
  • pulsationGrid_{grid}_rot{rotation_gyre}_k{kval}m{mval}.hdf: the pulsation information from the GYRE summary files.


Construct the theoretical pulsation patterns for each stellar model. Thereafter select theoretical pulsation patterns matching the observational pattern whilst optimising their rotation rates. Finally combine this information with the models’ surface properties into one file.

Output (click to expand)
Creates folder extracted_freqs/ to store
  • {observable}_{star}_{grid}_{method}.hdf: a table with optimised rotation rate (and its error), model parameters, and theoretical frequencies that are matched to the observations.
  • surface+{observable}_{star}_{grid}_{method}.hdf: the same table combined with the surface properties (logTeff, logL, logg ) of the models.

After this step, subdirectories will be made in case the pipeline is ran for a nested grid where one or more free parameters are fixed to a certain value.


Calculate the likelihood of all the theoretical patterns according to the specified merit functions and observables. This list of observables consist of the pulsations, but can optionally be extended with spectroscopic or astrometric information. (See observable_seismic and observable_additional in the pipeline configuration.)

Output (click to expand)
Creates folder V_matrix to store
  • {star}_determinant_conditionNr.tsv, which holds for each chosen combination of modelling options the condition number of the variance-covariance matrix, and the natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix (ln(det(V))).
  • Figures showing the variance-covariance matrices named {star}_{grid}_{method}_{merit_function}_{suffix_observables}.png.
Creates folder meritvalues/ to store
  • {star}_{grid}_{method}_{merit_function}_{suffix_observables}.hdf: table with the meritvalue assigned by the used merit function, optimised rotation rate, model parameters, and the surface properties (logTeff, logL, logg ...).


Exclude all the models that fall outside an n-sigma error box on the spectroscopic and astrometric constraints as acceptable solutions. The models that fall inside the n-sigma error box on the provided Teff, logg and logL will be written into a new file. If n_sigma_box in the configuration is set to None, this step will be skipped. If constraint_companion is also provided in the pipeline configuration, those constraints on a binary companion are also taken into account using isochrone-clouds.

Isochrone-clouds (click to expand)
An isochrone-cloud of a model is made up of all models that have the same metallicity, an age equal within 1 timestep, and whose mass is compatible within the error margin of the observed mass ratio. (However other parameters can differ between models, e.g. internal mixing processes). The model of the pulsating star must be compatible with it's observed Teff, logg and logL, while at least one of the models in its isochrone-cloud must be compatible with the companion's observed Teff, logg and logL.
Output (click to expand)
Creates folder {n_sigma_box}sigmaBox_meritvalues/ to store
  • {star}_{grid}_{method}_{merit_function}_{suffix_observables}.hdf: same table as in the previous step, but only listing the selected models that agree with the n-sigma error box. (Table with the meritvalue assigned by the used merit function, optimised rotation rate, model parameters, and the surface properties (logTeff, logL, logg ...).)
If constraints of a binary companion are also taken into account, a file isocloud_grid.h5 will be created holding a nested dictionary. The nested dictionary will have the grid parameter values as keys, with the order of the nested levels the same as the order of the grid parameters (free_parameters followed by fixed_parameters, see pipeline config. The innermost dictionary will hold certain columns of MESA history files, effectively grouping all the data of a grid that is required to construct isoclouds into one nested dictionary.


Calculate the Akaike information criterion (AIC) corrected for small sample size (AICc). This AICc is calculated for the best model for each combination of modelling options. This statistical criterion rewards goodness of fit, but penalises model complexity in the form of additional free parameters. The AIC thus allows a statistical comparison between models of different (nested) grids where the number of free parameters is not the same.

Output (click to expand)
Creates folder {n_sigma_box}sigmaBox_output_tables/ to store
  • {star}_AICc_values_{merit_function}.tsv: the AICc value of the best model for each chosen combination of modelling options. If the merit function is the Mahalanobis Distance, the condition number of the variance-covariance matrix and the natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix (ln(det(V))) are listed as well.


Calculate the 2 sigma uncertainty region of the maximum likelihood solution using Bayes’ theorem.

Output (click to expand)
In folder {n_sigma_box}sigmaBox_meritvalues/
  • {star}_{grid}_{method}_{merit_function}_{suffix_observables}_2sigma-error-ellipse.hdf: same as in add constraints, but only listing the selected models that fall within the 2 sigma error ellipse according to Bayes' theorem.


Make corner plots for all combinations of the different modelling choices.

Output (click to expand)
Creates folder {n_sigma_box}sigmaBox_cornerplots/ to store
  • {star}_{grid}_{method}_{merit_function}_{suffix_observables}.png: cornerplot with the parameters in the grid and the rotation. The 50% best models are shown, colour-coded according to the log of their merit function value. Models in colour fall within the 2 sigma error ellipse, while those in greyscale fall outside of it. Figures on the diagonal show binned parameter distributions of the models in the error ellipse, and the panel at the top right shows an Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram with 1 and 3 sigma observational error boxes. (The HR diagram is replaced by a Kiel diagram in case the observed logL is not provided but logg is.)


Write a table with the best model of the grid for each combination of different modelling choices.

Output (click to expand)
In folder {n_sigma_box}sigmaBox_output_tables/
  • {star}_best-model-table_{merit_function}.txt: text file containing the best model parameters for each combination of the chosen theoretical grid, seismic observables, and pattern construction methods. These three things are listed first, followed by the grid parameters, the optimal rotation rate of this model, the value of the merit function, and the value of the AICc for this merit function.