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Extract frequencies from a grid of GYRE output, and generate period spacing series.

 1"""Extract frequencies from a grid of GYRE output, and generate period spacing series."""
 3import glob
 4import logging
 5import multiprocessing
 6from functools import partial
 7from pathlib import Path
 9import pandas as pd
11from foam import support_functions as sf
13logger = logging.getLogger("logger.ffg")
17def extract_frequency_grid(
18    gyre_files, output_file="pulsationGrid.hdf", parameters=["rot", "Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"], nr_cpu=None
20    """
21    Extract frequencies from each globbed GYRE file and write them to 1 large file.
23    Parameters
24    ----------
25    gyre_files: string
26        String to glob to find all the relevant GYRE summary files.
27    output_file: string
28        Name (can include a path) for the file containing all the pulsation frequencies of the grid.
29    parameters: list of strings
30        List of parameters varied in the computed grid, so these are taken from the
31        name of the summary files, and included in the 1 file containing all the info of the whole grid.
32    nr_cpu: int
33        Number of worker processes to use in multiprocessing.
34        The default 'None' will use the number returned by os.cpu_count().
35    """
36    # make empty MultiProcessing listProxy
37    mp_list = multiprocessing.Manager().list()
39    # Glob all the files, then iteratively send them to a pool of processors
40    summary_files = glob.iglob(gyre_files)
41    with multiprocessing.Pool(nr_cpu) as p:
42        extract_func = partial(all_freqs_from_summary, parameters=parameters)
43        dictionaries = p.imap(extract_func, summary_files)
44        for new_row in dictionaries:
45            # Fill the listProxy with dictionaries for each read file
46            mp_list.append(new_row)
48        df = pd.DataFrame(data=list(mp_list))
49    # Sort the columns with frequencies by their radial order
50    column_list = list(df.columns[: len(parameters)])
51    column_list.extend(sorted(df.columns[len(parameters) :]))
52    df = df.reindex(column_list, axis=1)
54    # Generate the directory for the output file and write the file afterwards
55    Path(Path(output_file).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
56    df.to_hdf(path_or_buf=output_file, key="pulsation_grid", format="table", mode="w")
60def all_freqs_from_summary(gyre_summary_file, parameters):
61    """
62    Extract model parameters and pulsation frequencies from a GYRE summary file
64    Parameters
65    ----------
66    gyre_summary_file: string
67        path to the GYRE summary file
68    parameters: list of strings
69        List of input parameters varied in the computed grid,
70        so these are read from the filename and included in returned line.
72    Returns
73    ----------
74    param_dict: dict
75        Dictionary containing all the model parameters and pulsation frequencies of the GYRE summary file.
76    """
78    _, data = sf.read_hdf5(gyre_summary_file)
79    param_dict = sf.get_param_from_filename(gyre_summary_file, parameters, values_as_float=True)
81    # Arrange increasing in radial order
82    for j in range(len(data["freq"]) - 1, -1, -1):
83        n_pg = data["n_pg"][j]
84        if abs(n_pg) < 10:
85            n_pg = f"{sf.sign(n_pg)}00{abs(n_pg)}"
86        elif abs(n_pg) < 100:
87            n_pg = f"{sf.sign(n_pg)}0{abs(n_pg)}"
88        param_dict.update({f"n_pg{n_pg}": data["freq"][j][0]})
90    return param_dict
def extract_frequency_grid( gyre_files, output_file='pulsationGrid.hdf', parameters=['rot', 'Z', 'M', 'logD', 'aov', 'fov', 'Xc'], nr_cpu=None):
18def extract_frequency_grid(
19    gyre_files, output_file="pulsationGrid.hdf", parameters=["rot", "Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"], nr_cpu=None
21    """
22    Extract frequencies from each globbed GYRE file and write them to 1 large file.
24    Parameters
25    ----------
26    gyre_files: string
27        String to glob to find all the relevant GYRE summary files.
28    output_file: string
29        Name (can include a path) for the file containing all the pulsation frequencies of the grid.
30    parameters: list of strings
31        List of parameters varied in the computed grid, so these are taken from the
32        name of the summary files, and included in the 1 file containing all the info of the whole grid.
33    nr_cpu: int
34        Number of worker processes to use in multiprocessing.
35        The default 'None' will use the number returned by os.cpu_count().
36    """
37    # make empty MultiProcessing listProxy
38    mp_list = multiprocessing.Manager().list()
40    # Glob all the files, then iteratively send them to a pool of processors
41    summary_files = glob.iglob(gyre_files)
42    with multiprocessing.Pool(nr_cpu) as p:
43        extract_func = partial(all_freqs_from_summary, parameters=parameters)
44        dictionaries = p.imap(extract_func, summary_files)
45        for new_row in dictionaries:
46            # Fill the listProxy with dictionaries for each read file
47            mp_list.append(new_row)
49        df = pd.DataFrame(data=list(mp_list))
50    # Sort the columns with frequencies by their radial order
51    column_list = list(df.columns[: len(parameters)])
52    column_list.extend(sorted(df.columns[len(parameters) :]))
53    df = df.reindex(column_list, axis=1)
55    # Generate the directory for the output file and write the file afterwards
56    Path(Path(output_file).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
57    df.to_hdf(path_or_buf=output_file, key="pulsation_grid", format="table", mode="w")

Extract frequencies from each globbed GYRE file and write them to 1 large file.

  • gyre_files (string): String to glob to find all the relevant GYRE summary files.
  • output_file (string): Name (can include a path) for the file containing all the pulsation frequencies of the grid.
  • parameters (list of strings): List of parameters varied in the computed grid, so these are taken from the name of the summary files, and included in the 1 file containing all the info of the whole grid.
  • nr_cpu (int): Number of worker processes to use in multiprocessing. The default 'None' will use the number returned by os.cpu_count().
def all_freqs_from_summary(gyre_summary_file, parameters):
61def all_freqs_from_summary(gyre_summary_file, parameters):
62    """
63    Extract model parameters and pulsation frequencies from a GYRE summary file
65    Parameters
66    ----------
67    gyre_summary_file: string
68        path to the GYRE summary file
69    parameters: list of strings
70        List of input parameters varied in the computed grid,
71        so these are read from the filename and included in returned line.
73    Returns
74    ----------
75    param_dict: dict
76        Dictionary containing all the model parameters and pulsation frequencies of the GYRE summary file.
77    """
79    _, data = sf.read_hdf5(gyre_summary_file)
80    param_dict = sf.get_param_from_filename(gyre_summary_file, parameters, values_as_float=True)
82    # Arrange increasing in radial order
83    for j in range(len(data["freq"]) - 1, -1, -1):
84        n_pg = data["n_pg"][j]
85        if abs(n_pg) < 10:
86            n_pg = f"{sf.sign(n_pg)}00{abs(n_pg)}"
87        elif abs(n_pg) < 100:
88            n_pg = f"{sf.sign(n_pg)}0{abs(n_pg)}"
89        param_dict.update({f"n_pg{n_pg}": data["freq"][j][0]})
91    return param_dict

Extract model parameters and pulsation frequencies from a GYRE summary file

  • gyre_summary_file (string): path to the GYRE summary file
  • parameters (list of strings): List of input parameters varied in the computed grid, so these are read from the filename and included in returned line.
  • param_dict (dict): Dictionary containing all the model parameters and pulsation frequencies of the GYRE summary file.