Configuration | FOAM


FOrward Asteroseismic Modelling of gravity modes

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Pipeline configuration

The modelling pipeline can be configured for various options and modelling choices. These are set via keyword arguments, supplied upon initialisation of the instance of the PipelineConfig() class. In the example pipeline script foam/pipeline/, this instance is initialised in the beginning of the script. The following lines are copied from the pipeline, but some of the keyword arguments have already been filled in:

from foam.pipeline import pipeline_config
pipeline_config.config = pipeline_config.PipelineConfig(star='KIC000',
                                                        rotation_gyre = 0.5)

All keyword arguments are listed below, grouped in categories.

Observational data

  • star

    type: string
    default: None
    Name of the star, used for generating filenames. Do not put underscores (_) in the starname, since these characters are used to separate the starname from the rest of the filename.

  • observations

    type: string
    default: None
    Full path to the file with the observational data.

  • pattern_starting_pulsation

    type: dictionary of list
    default: None
    Only required when ‘provided-pulsation’ method is included in ‘pattern_methods’.
    This dictionary has two keys, ‘period’ and ‘frequency’, holding a list of periods or frequencies, respectively, to start building the pulsation pattern from when using the ‘provided-pulsation’ method.
    Periods are required when periods or period spacings (‘P’ or ‘dP’) are used as observables in observable_seismic, and frequencies are required when frequencies (‘f’) are used as observables in observable_seismic. If periods or frequencies are not required, the list can contain None instead of values.
    The list should contain one pulsation per part of the split pattern, ordered the same as the file with the observations. (List of length 1 in case of continuous pattern.)

Simulated theoretical model grid

  • grid_parent_directory

    type: string
    default: None
    Parent directory of the computed grids.

  • grids

    type: list of strings
    default: None
    Names of the subdirectories of the grids with different physics.

  • subgrid

    type: string
    default: ‘*’
    String to only select models that have this string in their name. Mainly for testing purposes. This is used to create the grid summary files for a small subgrid of the original grid, e.g. for making a smaller grid with less free parameters to run some quick tests.

GYRE and mode information

  • kval

    type: int
    default: 0
    Meridional degree (k value) of the mode ID (k,m) of the g-mode pattern.

  • mval

    type: int
    default: 1
    Azimuthal order (m value) of the mode ID (k,m) of the g-mode pattern.

  • rotation_gyre

    type: float
    default: 0.0
    Rotation rate in d^-1 (CYC_PER_DAY of GYRE) that was used in GYRE to calculate the pulsation frequencies.

  • gyre_dir

    type: string
    default: os environment variable $GYRE_DIR
    Path to the GYRE directory.

Modelling methodology

  • pattern_methods

    type: list of strings
    options: ‘provided-pulsation’, ‘highest-frequency’, ‘chisq-longest-sequence’
    default: [‘provided-pulsation’, ‘highest-frequency’, ‘chisq-longest-sequence’]
    List of methods to construct the theoretical frequency pattern (repeats modelling for each method).

    ‘provided-pulsation’ builds the mode pattern starting from the theoretical mode that is closest to the provided pulsation frequency or period. Can be used to provide and start from a trusted mode e.g. the highest-amplitude mode in the observed pattern.

    ‘highest-frequency’ will begin matching modes starting from the theoretical mode that is closest to the highest-frequency mode detected in the observed pattern.

    ‘chisq-longest-sequence’ will match each observed mode period to its best matching theoretical counterpart, and adopt the longest sequence of consecutive modes retrieved in this way. In the case of multiple mode series with the same length, a final pattern selection is made based on the best match between theory and observations. The rest of the theoretical pattern is then build consecutively in radial order starting from this initial ‘longest sequence’ pattern.

  • merit_functions

    type: list of strings
    options: ‘CS’, ‘MD’
    default: [‘CS’, ‘MD’]
    List of merit functions (repeats modelling for each merit function).

    ‘CS’ uses a reduced chi-squared function.

    ‘MD’ uses Mahalanobis distances, see Aerts et al. (2018) for its application in the context of asteroseismology.

  • n_periods

    type: int
    default: None
    Number of periods (or frequencies) in the observed pattern. Missing frequencies in interrupted patterns are not counted in this number.

  • n_pattern_parts

    type: int
    default: 1
    In how many parts the observed pattern is split. Defaults to 1 assuming an uninterrupted pattern.

  • observable_seismic

    type: list of strings
    options: ‘P’, ‘dP’, ‘f’
    default: [‘P’, ‘dP’]
    List of asteroseismic observables to fit in the merit function (repeats modelling for each observable) options are ‘P’ (period), ‘dP’ (period-spacing), and ‘f’ (frequency).

  • observable_additional

    type: list of strings
    default: None
    List of additional observables to use in the merit function. Observables other than ‘logTeff’, ‘logL’, and ‘logg’ must correspond to header items included in the MESA profiles. Set to None to use only the asteroseismic observables.

  • n_sigma_box

    type: int
    default: 3
    Ignore models outside of an n-sigma error box on the surface properties (Teff, logL, logg) included in the observational data, set to None to include all models.

  • free_parameters

    type: list
    default: [‘Z’, ‘M’, ‘logD’, ‘aov’, ‘fov’, ‘Xc’]
    List of varied parameters in the grid, as written in the filenames of the models in the grid (see walkthrough), that remain free parameters in the modelling. In case of a binary system where additional constraints from the companion should be taken into account (see setting spectro_companion), this list should start with the first two entries being ‘Z’, ‘M’ representing metallicity and mass.

  • fixed_parameters

    type: dict
    default: None
    Dictionary with varied parameters in the grid (dict keys) that are fixed to a certain value (dict value) to consider nested grids with fewer free parameters. These parameters should be included in the filenames, just like the free_parameters. Defaults to None to not fix any parameters. (E.g. {‘aov’: 0.0, ‘fov’: 0.0} to fix both these parameters to zero.)

  • evolution_parameter

    type: string
    default: ‘Xc’
    Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.

  • evolution_step

    type: float
    default: -0.01
    Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc). Only needed when enforcing binary constraints.

Modelling binaries and enforcing constraints of the companion star

  • constraint_companion

    type: dictionary
    default: None
    Defaults to None instead of a dictionary to not include any constraints from binarity. Dictionary with the following keys holding all binary Information (q = Mass_secondary/Mass_primary):
    {‘q’: <float>, ‘q_err’: <float>,’Teff’: <float>, ‘Teff_err’: <float>, ‘logg’: <float>, ‘logg_err’: <float>, ‘logL’: <float>, ‘logL_err’:<float>, ‘primary_pulsates’:<boolean>}
    Set one of the observables Teff, logg, logL to None to not use that observable.

  • isocloud_grid_directory

    type: string
    default: None
    The path to the isocloud grid directory. This grid of MESA history files should be constructed in the same way as the regular grid described in walkthrough, but only needs the history files. This can be the same theoretical grid as the main one that is used, but can also be an additional grid that is sparser and covers a larger range in stellar masses, since the binary companion might not fall within a grid that is more focussed on the pulsating star.

Other settings

  • debugging

    type: boolean
    default: False
    Set to True to set logger level to debug.

  • nr_cpu

    default: None
    Number of worker processes to use in multiprocessing. The default ‘None’ will cause the pools to use the number returned by os.cpu_count().

  • cornerplot_axis_labels

    type: dictionary, keys and values are strings
    default: {‘rot’: r’$\Omega_{\mathrm{rot}}$ [d$^{-1}$]’, ‘M’: r’M$_{\rm ini}$’, ‘Z’: r’Z$_{\rm ini}$’, ‘logD’:r’log(D$_{\rm env}$)’, ‘aov’:r’$\alpha_{\rm CBM}$’,’fov’:r’f$_{\rm CBM}$’,’Xc’:r’$\rm X_c$’}
    keys are the grid parameters, values are how they should be put in the labels of the cornerplots’ axis.