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Extra constraints based on e.g. surface properties of the star, or a binary companion.

  1""" Extra constraints based on e.g. surface properties of the star, or a binary companion. """
  3import logging
  4import sys
  5from functools import partial
  6from pathlib import Path
  8import numpy as np
  9import pandas as pd
 11logger = logging.getLogger("logger.ac")
 15def surface_constraint(
 16    merit_values_file,
 17    observations_file=None,
 18    nsigma=3,
 19    constraint_companion=None,
 20    isocloud_grid_summary=None,
 21    surface_grid_file=None,
 22    free_parameters=["Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"],
 23    evolution_parameter="Xc",
 24    evolution_step=-1e-2,
 26    """
 27    Enforce an n-sigma constraint on the models based on the surface observables.
 28    Save this as a file with prefix indicating how many sigma the error box was.
 30    Parameters
 31    ----------
 32    merit_values_file: string
 33        Path to the hdf5 files with the merit function values and the surface info of the models in the grid.
 34    observations_file: string
 35        Path to the tsv file with observations, with a column for each observable and each set of errors.
 36        Column names specify the observable, and "_err" suffix denotes that it's the error.
 37    nsigma: int
 38        How many sigma you want to make the interval to accept models.
 39    constraint_companion: dict
 40        Information on the companion star. Set to None to model single stars,
 41        or provide this to include binary constraints using isochrone-clouds.
 42    isocloud_grid_summary: dict
 43        Nested dictionary, the keys at its two levels are metallicity and mass.
 44        Holds the surface properties of the grid for the isochrone-cloud modelling per combination of metallicity-mass.
 45    surface_grid_file: string
 46        File with the surface properties and ages of the model-grid.
 47    free_parameters: list of strings
 48        List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
 49    evolution_parameter: string
 50        Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
 51    evolution_step: float
 52        Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
 53    """
 54    obs_dataframe = pd.read_table(observations_file, sep="\s+", header=0, index_col="index")
 55    dataframe_theory = pd.read_hdf(merit_values_file)
 57    if "Teff" in obs_dataframe.columns:
 58        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 59            dataframe_theory.logTeff
 60            < np.log10(obs_dataframe["Teff"].iloc[0] + nsigma * obs_dataframe["Teff_err"].iloc[0])
 61        ]
 62        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 63            dataframe_theory.logTeff
 64            > np.log10(obs_dataframe["Teff"].iloc[0] - nsigma * obs_dataframe["Teff_err"].iloc[0])
 65        ]
 66    if "logg" in obs_dataframe.columns:
 67        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 68            dataframe_theory.logg < obs_dataframe["logg"].iloc[0] + nsigma * obs_dataframe["logg_err"].iloc[0]
 69        ]
 70        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 71            dataframe_theory.logg > obs_dataframe["logg"].iloc[0] - nsigma * obs_dataframe["logg_err"].iloc[0]
 72        ]
 73    if "logL" in obs_dataframe.columns:
 74        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 75            dataframe_theory.logL < obs_dataframe["logL"].iloc[0] + nsigma * obs_dataframe["logL_err"].iloc[0]
 76        ]
 77        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 78            dataframe_theory.logL > obs_dataframe["logL"].iloc[0] - nsigma * obs_dataframe["logL_err"].iloc[0]
 79        ]
 81    if constraint_companion is not None:
 82        if (isocloud_grid_summary is None) or (surface_grid_file is None):
 83            logger.error(
 84                "Please supply a summary file for the isocloud grid and a path to the file with the grid surface properties and ages."
 85            )
 86            sys.exit()
 88        surface_grid_dataframe = pd.read_hdf(surface_grid_file)
 90        func = partial(
 91            enforce_binary_constraints,
 92            constraint_companion=constraint_companion,
 93            isocloud_grid_summary=isocloud_grid_summary,
 94            nsigma=nsigma,
 95            surface_grid_dataframe=surface_grid_dataframe,
 96            free_parameters=free_parameters,
 97            evolution_parameter=evolution_parameter,
 98            evolution_step=evolution_step,
 99        )
100        indices_to_drop = dataframe_theory.apply(func, axis=1)
101        for index_to_drop in indices_to_drop:
102            # Check if index_to_drop equals itself to filter out NaN values
103            if (index_to_drop is not None) and (index_to_drop == index_to_drop):
104                dataframe_theory.drop(index_to_drop, inplace=True)
106    output_file = f"{nsigma}sigmaBox_{merit_values_file}"
107    Path(output_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
108    dataframe_theory.to_hdf(path_or_buf=output_file, key="surface_constrained_models", format="table", mode="w")
112def get_age(
113    model, df, free_parameters=["Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"], evolution_parameter="Xc", evolution_step=-1e-2
115    """
116    Get the age of the models one step older and younger than the provided model.
118    Parameters
119    ----------
120    model: pandas series
121        Parameters of the model.
122    df: pandas dataFrame
123        Dataframe with the model parameters and age (and surface info) of the theoretical models.
124    free_parameters: list of strings
125        List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
126    evolution_parameter: string
127        Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
128    evolution_step: float
129        Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
131    Returns
132    ----------
133    min_age, max_age: tuple of integers
134        Age of the model one step younger and older than the provided model,
135        these are the minimum and maximum age to accept models in the isochrone-cloud.
136    """
138    # copy to prevent deletion in the list outside this function
139    params = list(free_parameters)
140    params.remove(evolution_parameter)
141    for param in params:
142        df = df.loc[np.isclose(getattr(df, param), getattr(model, param))]
144    model_evolution_attr = getattr(model, evolution_parameter)
145    grid_evolution_attr = getattr(df, evolution_parameter)
147    if abs(model_evolution_attr - max(grid_evolution_attr)) < abs(0.5 * evolution_step):
148        min_age = 0
149        max_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr + evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
150    elif abs(model_evolution_attr - min(grid_evolution_attr)) < abs(0.5 * evolution_step):
151        min_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr - evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
152        age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr)].age).iloc[0])
153        max_age = age + age - min_age
154    else:
155        min_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr - evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
156        max_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr + evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
157    return min_age, max_age
161def enforce_binary_constraints(
162    df_theory_row,
163    constraint_companion=None,
164    isocloud_grid_summary=None,
165    nsigma=3,
166    surface_grid_dataframe=None,
167    free_parameters=["Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"],
168    evolution_parameter="Xc",
169    evolution_step=-1e-2,
171    """
172    Enforce an n-sigma constraint on the models based on
173    spectroscopic observations of the binary companion employing isochrone-clouds.
174    Assumes the same metallicity 'Z' for both primary and secondary,
175    masses 'M' compatible with observed mass ratio 'q', and ages similar within 1 grid step.
177    Parameters
178    ----------
179    df_theory_row: tuple, made of (int, pandas series)
180        tuple returned from pandas.iterrows(), first tuple entry is the row index of the pandas dataFrame
181        second tuple entry is a pandas series, containing a row from the pandas dataFrame.
182        (This row holds model parameters, the merit function value, and surface properties.)
183    constraint_companion: dict
184        Information on the companion star, including surface parameters, mass ratio (q), the errors,
185        and a boolean indicating whether the primary or secondary star is assumed pulsating and hence being modelled.
186    isocloud_grid_summary: dict
187        Nested dictionary, the keys at its two levels are metallicity and mass.
188        Holds the surface properties of the grid for the isochrone-cloud modelling per combination of metallicity-mass.
189    nsigma: int
190        How many sigma you want to make the interval to accept models.
191    surface_grid_dataframe: pandas DataFrame
192        DataFrame with the surface properties and ages of the model-grid.
193    free_parameters: list of strings
194        List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
195    evolution_parameter: string
196        Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
197    evolution_step: float
198        Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
200    Returns
201    ----------
202    index: int or None
203        Index of the dataframe that needs to be removed if binary constraints do not allow the model to remain.
204        Returns None if the binary constraints do not discard the model.
205    """
206    model = df_theory_row
207    min_age, max_age = get_age(
208        model,
209        surface_grid_dataframe,
210        free_parameters=free_parameters,
211        evolution_parameter=evolution_parameter,
212        evolution_step=evolution_step,
213    )
214    q = constraint_companion["q"]
215    q_err = constraint_companion["q_err"]
216    if constraint_companion["primary_pulsates"]:
217        m2_min = round(model.M * (q - q_err), 1)
218        m2_max = round(model.M * (q + q_err), 1)
219    else:
220        m2_min = round(model.M / (q + q_err), 1)
221        m2_max = round(model.M / (q - q_err), 1)
223    isocloud_dict = isocloud_grid_summary[f"{model.Z}"]
224    for key_mass, df in zip(isocloud_dict.keys(), isocloud_dict.values()):
225        # Convert from string to float for the comparisons
226        key_mass = float(key_mass)
227        if key_mass < m2_min or key_mass > m2_max:
228            # Only keep models that fall within mass range
229            continue
230        else:
231            df = df[(df.star_age < max_age) & (df.star_age > min_age)]
233            if df.shape[0] == 0:
234                continue
236            # Check for all provided constraints if the track passes through the uncertainty region
237            if constraint_companion["Teff"] is not None:
238                df = df[
239                    df.log_Teff < np.log10(constraint_companion["Teff"] + nsigma * constraint_companion["Teff_err"])
240                ]
241                df = df[
242                    df.log_Teff > np.log10(constraint_companion["Teff"] - nsigma * constraint_companion["Teff_err"])
243                ]
244            if constraint_companion["logg"] is not None:
245                df = df[df.log_g < constraint_companion["logg"] + nsigma * constraint_companion["logg_err"]]
246                df = df[df.log_g > constraint_companion["logg"] - nsigma * constraint_companion["logg_err"]]
247            if constraint_companion["logL"] is not None:
248                df = df[df.log_L < constraint_companion["logL"] + nsigma * constraint_companion["logL_err"]]
249                df = df[df.log_L > constraint_companion["logL"] - nsigma * constraint_companion["logL_err"]]
250            if df.shape[0] > 0:
251                # If some models fall within the constraints, return None to not remove the model.
252                return None
254    return model.name
def surface_constraint( merit_values_file, observations_file=None, nsigma=3, constraint_companion=None, isocloud_grid_summary=None, surface_grid_file=None, free_parameters=['Z', 'M', 'logD', 'aov', 'fov', 'Xc'], evolution_parameter='Xc', evolution_step=-0.01):
 16def surface_constraint(
 17    merit_values_file,
 18    observations_file=None,
 19    nsigma=3,
 20    constraint_companion=None,
 21    isocloud_grid_summary=None,
 22    surface_grid_file=None,
 23    free_parameters=["Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"],
 24    evolution_parameter="Xc",
 25    evolution_step=-1e-2,
 27    """
 28    Enforce an n-sigma constraint on the models based on the surface observables.
 29    Save this as a file with prefix indicating how many sigma the error box was.
 31    Parameters
 32    ----------
 33    merit_values_file: string
 34        Path to the hdf5 files with the merit function values and the surface info of the models in the grid.
 35    observations_file: string
 36        Path to the tsv file with observations, with a column for each observable and each set of errors.
 37        Column names specify the observable, and "_err" suffix denotes that it's the error.
 38    nsigma: int
 39        How many sigma you want to make the interval to accept models.
 40    constraint_companion: dict
 41        Information on the companion star. Set to None to model single stars,
 42        or provide this to include binary constraints using isochrone-clouds.
 43    isocloud_grid_summary: dict
 44        Nested dictionary, the keys at its two levels are metallicity and mass.
 45        Holds the surface properties of the grid for the isochrone-cloud modelling per combination of metallicity-mass.
 46    surface_grid_file: string
 47        File with the surface properties and ages of the model-grid.
 48    free_parameters: list of strings
 49        List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
 50    evolution_parameter: string
 51        Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
 52    evolution_step: float
 53        Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
 54    """
 55    obs_dataframe = pd.read_table(observations_file, sep="\s+", header=0, index_col="index")
 56    dataframe_theory = pd.read_hdf(merit_values_file)
 58    if "Teff" in obs_dataframe.columns:
 59        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 60            dataframe_theory.logTeff
 61            < np.log10(obs_dataframe["Teff"].iloc[0] + nsigma * obs_dataframe["Teff_err"].iloc[0])
 62        ]
 63        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 64            dataframe_theory.logTeff
 65            > np.log10(obs_dataframe["Teff"].iloc[0] - nsigma * obs_dataframe["Teff_err"].iloc[0])
 66        ]
 67    if "logg" in obs_dataframe.columns:
 68        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 69            dataframe_theory.logg < obs_dataframe["logg"].iloc[0] + nsigma * obs_dataframe["logg_err"].iloc[0]
 70        ]
 71        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 72            dataframe_theory.logg > obs_dataframe["logg"].iloc[0] - nsigma * obs_dataframe["logg_err"].iloc[0]
 73        ]
 74    if "logL" in obs_dataframe.columns:
 75        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 76            dataframe_theory.logL < obs_dataframe["logL"].iloc[0] + nsigma * obs_dataframe["logL_err"].iloc[0]
 77        ]
 78        dataframe_theory = dataframe_theory[
 79            dataframe_theory.logL > obs_dataframe["logL"].iloc[0] - nsigma * obs_dataframe["logL_err"].iloc[0]
 80        ]
 82    if constraint_companion is not None:
 83        if (isocloud_grid_summary is None) or (surface_grid_file is None):
 84            logger.error(
 85                "Please supply a summary file for the isocloud grid and a path to the file with the grid surface properties and ages."
 86            )
 87            sys.exit()
 89        surface_grid_dataframe = pd.read_hdf(surface_grid_file)
 91        func = partial(
 92            enforce_binary_constraints,
 93            constraint_companion=constraint_companion,
 94            isocloud_grid_summary=isocloud_grid_summary,
 95            nsigma=nsigma,
 96            surface_grid_dataframe=surface_grid_dataframe,
 97            free_parameters=free_parameters,
 98            evolution_parameter=evolution_parameter,
 99            evolution_step=evolution_step,
100        )
101        indices_to_drop = dataframe_theory.apply(func, axis=1)
102        for index_to_drop in indices_to_drop:
103            # Check if index_to_drop equals itself to filter out NaN values
104            if (index_to_drop is not None) and (index_to_drop == index_to_drop):
105                dataframe_theory.drop(index_to_drop, inplace=True)
107    output_file = f"{nsigma}sigmaBox_{merit_values_file}"
108    Path(output_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
109    dataframe_theory.to_hdf(path_or_buf=output_file, key="surface_constrained_models", format="table", mode="w")

Enforce an n-sigma constraint on the models based on the surface observables. Save this as a file with prefix indicating how many sigma the error box was.

  • merit_values_file (string): Path to the hdf5 files with the merit function values and the surface info of the models in the grid.
  • observations_file (string): Path to the tsv file with observations, with a column for each observable and each set of errors. Column names specify the observable, and "_err" suffix denotes that it's the error.
  • nsigma (int): How many sigma you want to make the interval to accept models.
  • constraint_companion (dict): Information on the companion star. Set to None to model single stars, or provide this to include binary constraints using isochrone-clouds.
  • isocloud_grid_summary (dict): Nested dictionary, the keys at its two levels are metallicity and mass. Holds the surface properties of the grid for the isochrone-cloud modelling per combination of metallicity-mass.
  • surface_grid_file (string): File with the surface properties and ages of the model-grid.
  • free_parameters (list of strings): List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
  • evolution_parameter (string): Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
  • evolution_step (float): Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
def get_age( model, df, free_parameters=['Z', 'M', 'logD', 'aov', 'fov', 'Xc'], evolution_parameter='Xc', evolution_step=-0.01):
113def get_age(
114    model, df, free_parameters=["Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"], evolution_parameter="Xc", evolution_step=-1e-2
116    """
117    Get the age of the models one step older and younger than the provided model.
119    Parameters
120    ----------
121    model: pandas series
122        Parameters of the model.
123    df: pandas dataFrame
124        Dataframe with the model parameters and age (and surface info) of the theoretical models.
125    free_parameters: list of strings
126        List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
127    evolution_parameter: string
128        Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
129    evolution_step: float
130        Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
132    Returns
133    ----------
134    min_age, max_age: tuple of integers
135        Age of the model one step younger and older than the provided model,
136        these are the minimum and maximum age to accept models in the isochrone-cloud.
137    """
139    # copy to prevent deletion in the list outside this function
140    params = list(free_parameters)
141    params.remove(evolution_parameter)
142    for param in params:
143        df = df.loc[np.isclose(getattr(df, param), getattr(model, param))]
145    model_evolution_attr = getattr(model, evolution_parameter)
146    grid_evolution_attr = getattr(df, evolution_parameter)
148    if abs(model_evolution_attr - max(grid_evolution_attr)) < abs(0.5 * evolution_step):
149        min_age = 0
150        max_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr + evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
151    elif abs(model_evolution_attr - min(grid_evolution_attr)) < abs(0.5 * evolution_step):
152        min_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr - evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
153        age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr)].age).iloc[0])
154        max_age = age + age - min_age
155    else:
156        min_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr - evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
157        max_age = int((df.loc[np.isclose(grid_evolution_attr, model_evolution_attr + evolution_step)].age).iloc[0])
158    return min_age, max_age

Get the age of the models one step older and younger than the provided model.

  • model (pandas series): Parameters of the model.
  • df (pandas dataFrame): Dataframe with the model parameters and age (and surface info) of the theoretical models.
  • free_parameters (list of strings): List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
  • evolution_parameter (string): Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
  • evolution_step (float): Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
  • min_age, max_age (tuple of integers): Age of the model one step younger and older than the provided model, these are the minimum and maximum age to accept models in the isochrone-cloud.
def enforce_binary_constraints( df_theory_row, constraint_companion=None, isocloud_grid_summary=None, nsigma=3, surface_grid_dataframe=None, free_parameters=['Z', 'M', 'logD', 'aov', 'fov', 'Xc'], evolution_parameter='Xc', evolution_step=-0.01):
162def enforce_binary_constraints(
163    df_theory_row,
164    constraint_companion=None,
165    isocloud_grid_summary=None,
166    nsigma=3,
167    surface_grid_dataframe=None,
168    free_parameters=["Z", "M", "logD", "aov", "fov", "Xc"],
169    evolution_parameter="Xc",
170    evolution_step=-1e-2,
172    """
173    Enforce an n-sigma constraint on the models based on
174    spectroscopic observations of the binary companion employing isochrone-clouds.
175    Assumes the same metallicity 'Z' for both primary and secondary,
176    masses 'M' compatible with observed mass ratio 'q', and ages similar within 1 grid step.
178    Parameters
179    ----------
180    df_theory_row: tuple, made of (int, pandas series)
181        tuple returned from pandas.iterrows(), first tuple entry is the row index of the pandas dataFrame
182        second tuple entry is a pandas series, containing a row from the pandas dataFrame.
183        (This row holds model parameters, the merit function value, and surface properties.)
184    constraint_companion: dict
185        Information on the companion star, including surface parameters, mass ratio (q), the errors,
186        and a boolean indicating whether the primary or secondary star is assumed pulsating and hence being modelled.
187    isocloud_grid_summary: dict
188        Nested dictionary, the keys at its two levels are metallicity and mass.
189        Holds the surface properties of the grid for the isochrone-cloud modelling per combination of metallicity-mass.
190    nsigma: int
191        How many sigma you want to make the interval to accept models.
192    surface_grid_dataframe: pandas DataFrame
193        DataFrame with the surface properties and ages of the model-grid.
194    free_parameters: list of strings
195        List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
196    evolution_parameter: string
197        Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
198    evolution_step: float
199        Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
201    Returns
202    ----------
203    index: int or None
204        Index of the dataframe that needs to be removed if binary constraints do not allow the model to remain.
205        Returns None if the binary constraints do not discard the model.
206    """
207    model = df_theory_row
208    min_age, max_age = get_age(
209        model,
210        surface_grid_dataframe,
211        free_parameters=free_parameters,
212        evolution_parameter=evolution_parameter,
213        evolution_step=evolution_step,
214    )
215    q = constraint_companion["q"]
216    q_err = constraint_companion["q_err"]
217    if constraint_companion["primary_pulsates"]:
218        m2_min = round(model.M * (q - q_err), 1)
219        m2_max = round(model.M * (q + q_err), 1)
220    else:
221        m2_min = round(model.M / (q + q_err), 1)
222        m2_max = round(model.M / (q - q_err), 1)
224    isocloud_dict = isocloud_grid_summary[f"{model.Z}"]
225    for key_mass, df in zip(isocloud_dict.keys(), isocloud_dict.values()):
226        # Convert from string to float for the comparisons
227        key_mass = float(key_mass)
228        if key_mass < m2_min or key_mass > m2_max:
229            # Only keep models that fall within mass range
230            continue
231        else:
232            df = df[(df.star_age < max_age) & (df.star_age > min_age)]
234            if df.shape[0] == 0:
235                continue
237            # Check for all provided constraints if the track passes through the uncertainty region
238            if constraint_companion["Teff"] is not None:
239                df = df[
240                    df.log_Teff < np.log10(constraint_companion["Teff"] + nsigma * constraint_companion["Teff_err"])
241                ]
242                df = df[
243                    df.log_Teff > np.log10(constraint_companion["Teff"] - nsigma * constraint_companion["Teff_err"])
244                ]
245            if constraint_companion["logg"] is not None:
246                df = df[df.log_g < constraint_companion["logg"] + nsigma * constraint_companion["logg_err"]]
247                df = df[df.log_g > constraint_companion["logg"] - nsigma * constraint_companion["logg_err"]]
248            if constraint_companion["logL"] is not None:
249                df = df[df.log_L < constraint_companion["logL"] + nsigma * constraint_companion["logL_err"]]
250                df = df[df.log_L > constraint_companion["logL"] - nsigma * constraint_companion["logL_err"]]
251            if df.shape[0] > 0:
252                # If some models fall within the constraints, return None to not remove the model.
253                return None
255    return model.name

Enforce an n-sigma constraint on the models based on spectroscopic observations of the binary companion employing isochrone-clouds. Assumes the same metallicity 'Z' for both primary and secondary, masses 'M' compatible with observed mass ratio 'q', and ages similar within 1 grid step.

  • df_theory_row (tuple, made of (int, pandas series)): tuple returned from pandas.iterrows(), first tuple entry is the row index of the pandas dataFrame second tuple entry is a pandas series, containing a row from the pandas dataFrame. (This row holds model parameters, the merit function value, and surface properties.)
  • constraint_companion (dict): Information on the companion star, including surface parameters, mass ratio (q), the errors, and a boolean indicating whether the primary or secondary star is assumed pulsating and hence being modelled.
  • isocloud_grid_summary (dict): Nested dictionary, the keys at its two levels are metallicity and mass. Holds the surface properties of the grid for the isochrone-cloud modelling per combination of metallicity-mass.
  • nsigma (int): How many sigma you want to make the interval to accept models.
  • surface_grid_dataframe (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame with the surface properties and ages of the model-grid.
  • free_parameters (list of strings): List of all the parameters varied in the model grid.
  • evolution_parameter (string): Name of the parameter that is used to track the evolutionary steps of the model.
  • evolution_step (float): Change in the evolutionary parameter from one step to the next (negative if quantity decreases, e.g. central hydrogen content Xc)
  • index (int or None): Index of the dataframe that needs to be removed if binary constraints do not allow the model to remain. Returns None if the binary constraints do not discard the model.