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Calculate g-mode period spacing patterns in the asymptotic regime using the TAR.

  1"""Calculate g-mode period spacing patterns in the asymptotic regime using the TAR."""
  3# Class from T. Van Reeth
  4import sys
  6import astropy.units as u
  7import numpy as np
 11class Asymptotic(object):
 12    """
 13    A python class to calculate g-mode period spacing patterns in the asymptotic regime using the TAR.
 14    """
 16    def __init__(self, gyre_dir, kval=0, mval=1, nmin=1, nmax=150):
 17        """
 18        Setting up the environment/asymptotic object to calculate g-mode period spacing patterns.
 20        Parameters
 21        ----------
 22        gyre_dir: string
 23            The GYRE installation directory.
 24        kval: int
 25            Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern. For gravito-inertial
 26            modes with an equivalent in a non-rotating star, k = l - |m|. Default value = 0.
 27        mval: int
 28            Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern: azimuthal order.
 29            mval > 0 for prograde modes. Default value = 1.
 30        nmin: int
 31            The minimum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 1.
 32        nmax: int
 33            The maximum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 150.
 34        """
 36        self.kval = int(kval)
 37        self.mval = int(mval)
 38        self.nvals = np.arange(nmin, nmax + 0.1, 1.0)
 40        self.lam_fun = self._retrieve_laplacegrid(gyre_dir)
 41        self.spin, self.lam, self.spinsqlam = self._sample_laplacegrid()
 43    ################################################################################
 44    def _retrieve_laplacegrid(self, gyre_dir):
 45        """
 46        Retrieving the function lambda(nu) given in GYRE.
 48        Parameters
 49        ----------
 50            self: asymptotic object
 51            gyre_dir: string
 52                The GYRE installation directory.
 54        Returns
 55        ----------
 56        lam_fun: function
 57            A function to calculate lambda, given spin parameter values as input.
 58        """
 60        if self.kval >= 0:
 61            kstr = f"+{self.kval}"
 62        else:
 63            kstr = f"{self.kval}"
 64        if self.mval >= 0:
 65            mstr = f"+{self.mval}"
 66        else:
 67            mstr = f"{self.mval}"
 69        infile = f"{gyre_dir}/data/tar/tar_fit.m{mstr}.k{kstr}.h5"
 71        sys.path.append(gyre_dir + "/src/tar/")
 72        import gyre_cheb_fit
 73        import gyre_tar_fit
 75        tf = gyre_tar_fit.TarFit.load(infile)
 76        lam_fun = np.vectorize(tf.lam)
 78        return lam_fun
 80    ################################################################################
 81    def _sample_laplacegrid(self, spinmax=1000.0, spindensity=1.0):
 82        """
 83        Sampling the function lambda(nu) that was set up in _retrieve_laplacegrid().
 84        This subroutine includes a har-coded custom sampling density function for the spin parameter.
 86        Parameters
 87        ----------
 88        self: asymptotic object
 89        spinmax: float
 90            The maximum spin parameter value for which lambda eigenvalues will be retrieved
 91            (following the Laplace tidal equation). Default value = 1000.
 92        spindensity: float
 93            A scaling factor for the sampling density function. The default value (=1) results
 94            in 20000 data points for the spin parameter range [0, 100].
 96        Returns
 97        ----------
 98        spin: numpy array, dtype=float
 99            The spin parameter values for which lambda eigenvalues are returned
100        lam: numpy array, dtype=float
101            The lambda eigenvalues corresponding to the spin parameter values in the array 'spin'
102        spinsqlam: numpy array, dtype=float
103            = spin * sqrt(lam)
104        """
106        if (self.kval >= 0) & (self.mval != 0):
107            spinmin = -0.1
108            # Relatively "ad hoc" optimal sampling (based on "experience")
109            nspinmin = round(
110                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
111            )
112            nspinmax = round(
113                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
114            )
115            if (spinmin < 0.0) & (spinmax <= 0.0):
116                spin = (
117                    -(
118                        10.0
119                        ** (
120                            np.linspace(
121                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5,
122                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) ** 0.5,
123                                int(nspinmin - nspinmax),
124                            )
125                            ** 2.0
126                        )
127                    )
128                    + 1.0
129                )
130            elif (spinmin >= 0.0) & (spinmax > 0.0):
131                spin = (
132                    10.0
133                    ** (
134                        np.linspace(
135                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmin) ** 0.5,
136                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5,
137                            int(nspinmax - nspinmin),
138                        )
139                        ** 2.0
140                    )
141                    - 1.0
142                )
143            else:
144                spinneg = (
145                    -(
146                        10.0
147                        ** (
148                            np.linspace(np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5, 0.0, int(nspinmin))
149                            ** 2.0
150                        )
151                    )
152                    + 1.0
153                )
154                spinpos = (
155                    10.0 ** (np.linspace(0.0, np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5, int(nspinmax)) ** 2.0)
156                    - 1.0
157                )
158                spin = np.unique(np.hstack((spinneg, spinpos)))
160        elif (self.kval >= 0) & (self.mval == 0):
161            spinmin = -spinmax
162            # Relatively "ad hoc" optimal sampling (based on "experience")
163            nspinmin = round(
164                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
165            )
166            nspinmax = round(
167                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
168            )
169            if (spinmin < 0.0) & (spinmax <= 0.0):
170                spin = (
171                    -(
172                        10.0
173                        ** (
174                            np.linspace(
175                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5,
176                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) ** 0.5,
177                                int(nspinmin - nspinmax),
178                            )
179                            ** 2.0
180                        )
181                    )
182                    + 1.0
183                )
184            elif (spinmin >= 0.0) & (spinmax > 0.0):
185                spin = (
186                    10.0
187                    ** (
188                        np.linspace(
189                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmin) ** 0.5,
190                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5,
191                            int(nspinmax - nspinmin),
192                        )
193                        ** 2.0
194                    )
195                    - 1.0
196                )
197            else:
198                spinneg = (
199                    -(
200                        10.0
201                        ** (
202                            np.linspace(np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5, 0.0, int(nspinmin))
203                            ** 2.0
204                        )
205                    )
206                    + 1.0
207                )
208                spinpos = (
209                    10.0 ** (np.linspace(0.0, np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5, int(nspinmax)) ** 2.0)
210                    - 1.0
211                )
212                spin = np.unique(np.hstack((spinneg, spinpos)))
213        else:
214            spinmin = float(
215                (abs(self.mval) + abs(self.kval)) * (abs(self.mval) + abs(self.kval) - 1)
216            ) / abs(self.mval)
217            # Relatively "ad hoc" optimal sampling (based on "experience")
218            nspinmax = round(
219                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
220            )
222            spinpos = (
223                10.0
224                ** (
225                    np.linspace(
226                        np.log10(1.0) ** 0.5, np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5, int(nspinmax)
227                    )[1:]
228                    ** 2.0
229                )
230                - 1.0
231                + spinmin
232            )
233            spinneg = np.linspace(0.0, spinmin, 100)
234            spin = np.unique(np.hstack((spinneg, spinpos)))
236        # Obtaining the eigenvalues lambda
237        lam = self.lam_fun(spin)
239        # Limiting ourselves to the part of the arrays that exists...
240        lam_exists = np.isfinite(lam)
241        spin = spin[lam_exists]
242        lam = lam[lam_exists]
244        # Calculating the derivatives
245        dlamdnu = np.gradient(lam) / np.gradient(spin)
246        d2lamdnu2 = np.gradient(dlamdnu) / np.gradient(spin)
248        # A required array to determine the near-core rotation rate
249        spinsqlam = spin * np.sqrt(lam)
251        return spin, lam, spinsqlam
253    ################################################################################
254    def update_laplacegrid(self, spinmax=10000.0, spindensity=1.0):
255        """
256        Recalculating the spin parameter range and the corresponding lambda eigenvalues included within the asymptotic object.
258        Parameters
259        ----------
260        self: asymptotic object
261        spinmax: float
262            The maximum spin parameter value for which lambda eigenvalues will be retrieved
263            (following the Laplace tidal equation). Default value = 1000.
264        spindensity: float
265            A scaling factor for the sampling density function. The default value (=1) results
266            in 20000 data points for the spin parameter range [0, 100].
267        """
269        self.spin, self.lam, self.spinsqlam = self._sample_laplacegrid(
270            spinmax=spinmax, spindensity=spindensity
271        )
273    ################################################################################
274    def uniform_pattern(self, frot, Pi0, alpha_g=0.5, unit="days"):
275        """
276        Calculates the asymptotic period spacing pattern for a star with uniform rotation, following Eq.4 in Van Reeth et al. 2016, A&A, 593, A120.
278        Parameters
279        ----------
280        self: asymptotic object
281        frot: astropy quantity (type frequency)
282            the rotation frequency of the star
283        Pi0: astropy quantity (type time)
284            the buoyancy radius of the star
285        alpha_g:  float
286            phase term, dependent on the boundary conditions of the g-mode cavity. Typically, alpha_g = 1/2.
287        unit: string
288            The preferred (astropy) unit of the calculated g-mode pattern. The options are 'days', 'seconds',
289            'cycle_per_day', 'muHz', 'nHz', 'Hz'. Default = 'days'.
291        Returns
292        ----------
293        pattern:  array, dtype = astropy quantity matching the preferred 'unit'.
294        """
296        ### Verifying the input
298        # Make sure that the rotation frequency and the buoyancy radius have appropriate units
299        assert (
300            frot.unit.physical_type == "frequency"
301        ), "The provided rotation frequency does not have a frequency unit (as provided in astropy.units)."
302        assert (
303            Pi0.unit.physical_type == "time"
304        ), "The provided buoyancy radius does not have a time unit (as provided in astropy.units)."
306        # Can we handle the preferred output unit?
307        allowed_output_units = {
308            "days": u.day,
309            "seconds": u.s,
310            "cycle_per_day": u.day**-1.0,
311            "muHz": u.uHz,
312            "nHz": u.nHz,
313            "Hz": u.Hz,
314        }
315        assert (
316            unit in allowed_output_units.keys()
317        ), f"Please ensure that the requested output unit is one of: {', '.join(str(x_unit) for x_unit in allowed_output_units.keys())}."
318        astrounit = allowed_output_units[unit]
320        ### Alright, start the calculation!
322        # Safety check: the following routine only works if frot != 0
323        if frot != 0.0 * frot.unit:
324            # Calculating the pattern -- in spin parameter
325            basefun_lhs = 2.0 * float(frot * Pi0) * (self.nvals + alpha_g)
326            basefun_rhs = self.spinsqlam
327            selected_spin = np.interp(basefun_lhs, basefun_rhs, self.spin)
329            # Setting the values which lie outside of the computable range to "nan"
330            out_of_range = ~np.r_[
331                (basefun_lhs >= np.amin(basefun_rhs)) & (basefun_lhs <= np.amax(basefun_rhs))
332            ]
333            selected_spin[out_of_range] = np.nan
335            # Converting to frequencies -- in the unit of frot
336            puls_freq = (2.0 * frot / selected_spin) + (self.mval * frot)
338        # if frot == 0, the Taylor expansion cannot be used to model differential rotation:
339        # everything reverts to the case of non-rotation.
340        else:
341            if np.amin(self.spin) < 0.0:
342                # Pulsation frequencies -- in the unit of 1/Pi0
343                puls_freq = np.sqrt(np.interp(0.0, self.spin, self.lam)) / (
344                    Pi0 * (self.nvals + alpha_g)
345                )
346            else:
347                # These are likely r-modes -- not present in a non-rotating star!
348                puls_freq = self.nvals * np.nan
350        # Converting to the preferred output unit
351        if astrounit.physical_type == "frequency":
352            pattern = puls_freq.to(astrounit)
353        else:
354            pattern = (1.0 / puls_freq).to(astrounit)
356        return pattern
358    ################################################################################
359    def scale_pattern(self, pattern_in, frot_in, frot_out):
360        """
361        Scale an input g-mode pulsation pattern according to a different rotation rate
363        Parameters
364        ----------
365        self:  asymptotic object
366        pattern_in: astropy quantity array
367            the input g-mode pulsation pattern (associated with the same mode identification as the asymptotic object)
368        frot_in: astropy quantity (frequency)
369            the cyclic rotation frequency associated with the input g-mode pulsation pattern
370        frot_out: astropy quantity (frequency)
371            the cyclic rotation frequency to which we want to scale the input g-mode pulsation pattern
373        Returns
374        ----------
375        pattern_out:   astropy quantity array
376            the output (scaled) g-mode pulsation pattern, with the same unit as pattern_in
377        """
379        # checking if the input pattern has been given as frequencies or periods
380        if pattern_in.unit.physical_type == "frequency":
381            in_freq_co = pattern_in.copy() - self.mval * frot_in
382        else:
383            in_freq_co = (1.0 / pattern_in) - self.mval * frot_in
385        spin_in = 2.0 * frot_in.value / in_freq_co.to(frot_in.unit).value
386        spin_sqlam = np.interp(spin_in, self.spin, self.spinsqlam)
387        spin_out = np.interp(
388            spin_sqlam * frot_out.value / frot_in.to(frot_out.unit).value, self.spinsqlam, self.spin
389        )
390        out_freq_inert = (2.0 * frot_out / spin_out) + self.mval * frot_out
392        if pattern_in.unit.physical_type == "frequency":
393            pattern_out = out_freq_inert.to(pattern_in.unit)
394        else:
395            out_per_inert = 1.0 / out_freq_inert
396            pattern_out = out_per_inert.to(pattern_in.unit)
398        return pattern_out
class Asymptotic:
 12class Asymptotic(object):
 13    """
 14    A python class to calculate g-mode period spacing patterns in the asymptotic regime using the TAR.
 15    """
 17    def __init__(self, gyre_dir, kval=0, mval=1, nmin=1, nmax=150):
 18        """
 19        Setting up the environment/asymptotic object to calculate g-mode period spacing patterns.
 21        Parameters
 22        ----------
 23        gyre_dir: string
 24            The GYRE installation directory.
 25        kval: int
 26            Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern. For gravito-inertial
 27            modes with an equivalent in a non-rotating star, k = l - |m|. Default value = 0.
 28        mval: int
 29            Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern: azimuthal order.
 30            mval > 0 for prograde modes. Default value = 1.
 31        nmin: int
 32            The minimum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 1.
 33        nmax: int
 34            The maximum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 150.
 35        """
 37        self.kval = int(kval)
 38        self.mval = int(mval)
 39        self.nvals = np.arange(nmin, nmax + 0.1, 1.0)
 41        self.lam_fun = self._retrieve_laplacegrid(gyre_dir)
 42        self.spin, self.lam, self.spinsqlam = self._sample_laplacegrid()
 44    ################################################################################
 45    def _retrieve_laplacegrid(self, gyre_dir):
 46        """
 47        Retrieving the function lambda(nu) given in GYRE.
 49        Parameters
 50        ----------
 51            self: asymptotic object
 52            gyre_dir: string
 53                The GYRE installation directory.
 55        Returns
 56        ----------
 57        lam_fun: function
 58            A function to calculate lambda, given spin parameter values as input.
 59        """
 61        if self.kval >= 0:
 62            kstr = f"+{self.kval}"
 63        else:
 64            kstr = f"{self.kval}"
 65        if self.mval >= 0:
 66            mstr = f"+{self.mval}"
 67        else:
 68            mstr = f"{self.mval}"
 70        infile = f"{gyre_dir}/data/tar/tar_fit.m{mstr}.k{kstr}.h5"
 72        sys.path.append(gyre_dir + "/src/tar/")
 73        import gyre_cheb_fit
 74        import gyre_tar_fit
 76        tf = gyre_tar_fit.TarFit.load(infile)
 77        lam_fun = np.vectorize(tf.lam)
 79        return lam_fun
 81    ################################################################################
 82    def _sample_laplacegrid(self, spinmax=1000.0, spindensity=1.0):
 83        """
 84        Sampling the function lambda(nu) that was set up in _retrieve_laplacegrid().
 85        This subroutine includes a har-coded custom sampling density function for the spin parameter.
 87        Parameters
 88        ----------
 89        self: asymptotic object
 90        spinmax: float
 91            The maximum spin parameter value for which lambda eigenvalues will be retrieved
 92            (following the Laplace tidal equation). Default value = 1000.
 93        spindensity: float
 94            A scaling factor for the sampling density function. The default value (=1) results
 95            in 20000 data points for the spin parameter range [0, 100].
 97        Returns
 98        ----------
 99        spin: numpy array, dtype=float
100            The spin parameter values for which lambda eigenvalues are returned
101        lam: numpy array, dtype=float
102            The lambda eigenvalues corresponding to the spin parameter values in the array 'spin'
103        spinsqlam: numpy array, dtype=float
104            = spin * sqrt(lam)
105        """
107        if (self.kval >= 0) & (self.mval != 0):
108            spinmin = -0.1
109            # Relatively "ad hoc" optimal sampling (based on "experience")
110            nspinmin = round(
111                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
112            )
113            nspinmax = round(
114                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
115            )
116            if (spinmin < 0.0) & (spinmax <= 0.0):
117                spin = (
118                    -(
119                        10.0
120                        ** (
121                            np.linspace(
122                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5,
123                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) ** 0.5,
124                                int(nspinmin - nspinmax),
125                            )
126                            ** 2.0
127                        )
128                    )
129                    + 1.0
130                )
131            elif (spinmin >= 0.0) & (spinmax > 0.0):
132                spin = (
133                    10.0
134                    ** (
135                        np.linspace(
136                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmin) ** 0.5,
137                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5,
138                            int(nspinmax - nspinmin),
139                        )
140                        ** 2.0
141                    )
142                    - 1.0
143                )
144            else:
145                spinneg = (
146                    -(
147                        10.0
148                        ** (
149                            np.linspace(np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5, 0.0, int(nspinmin))
150                            ** 2.0
151                        )
152                    )
153                    + 1.0
154                )
155                spinpos = (
156                    10.0 ** (np.linspace(0.0, np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5, int(nspinmax)) ** 2.0)
157                    - 1.0
158                )
159                spin = np.unique(np.hstack((spinneg, spinpos)))
161        elif (self.kval >= 0) & (self.mval == 0):
162            spinmin = -spinmax
163            # Relatively "ad hoc" optimal sampling (based on "experience")
164            nspinmin = round(
165                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
166            )
167            nspinmax = round(
168                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
169            )
170            if (spinmin < 0.0) & (spinmax <= 0.0):
171                spin = (
172                    -(
173                        10.0
174                        ** (
175                            np.linspace(
176                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5,
177                                np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) ** 0.5,
178                                int(nspinmin - nspinmax),
179                            )
180                            ** 2.0
181                        )
182                    )
183                    + 1.0
184                )
185            elif (spinmin >= 0.0) & (spinmax > 0.0):
186                spin = (
187                    10.0
188                    ** (
189                        np.linspace(
190                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmin) ** 0.5,
191                            np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5,
192                            int(nspinmax - nspinmin),
193                        )
194                        ** 2.0
195                    )
196                    - 1.0
197                )
198            else:
199                spinneg = (
200                    -(
201                        10.0
202                        ** (
203                            np.linspace(np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmin)) ** 0.5, 0.0, int(nspinmin))
204                            ** 2.0
205                        )
206                    )
207                    + 1.0
208                )
209                spinpos = (
210                    10.0 ** (np.linspace(0.0, np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5, int(nspinmax)) ** 2.0)
211                    - 1.0
212                )
213                spin = np.unique(np.hstack((spinneg, spinpos)))
214        else:
215            spinmin = float(
216                (abs(self.mval) + abs(self.kval)) * (abs(self.mval) + abs(self.kval) - 1)
217            ) / abs(self.mval)
218            # Relatively "ad hoc" optimal sampling (based on "experience")
219            nspinmax = round(
220                spindensity * 20000.0 * (np.log10(1.0 + abs(spinmax)) / np.log10(101.0)) ** 0.5
221            )
223            spinpos = (
224                10.0
225                ** (
226                    np.linspace(
227                        np.log10(1.0) ** 0.5, np.log10(1.0 + spinmax) ** 0.5, int(nspinmax)
228                    )[1:]
229                    ** 2.0
230                )
231                - 1.0
232                + spinmin
233            )
234            spinneg = np.linspace(0.0, spinmin, 100)
235            spin = np.unique(np.hstack((spinneg, spinpos)))
237        # Obtaining the eigenvalues lambda
238        lam = self.lam_fun(spin)
240        # Limiting ourselves to the part of the arrays that exists...
241        lam_exists = np.isfinite(lam)
242        spin = spin[lam_exists]
243        lam = lam[lam_exists]
245        # Calculating the derivatives
246        dlamdnu = np.gradient(lam) / np.gradient(spin)
247        d2lamdnu2 = np.gradient(dlamdnu) / np.gradient(spin)
249        # A required array to determine the near-core rotation rate
250        spinsqlam = spin * np.sqrt(lam)
252        return spin, lam, spinsqlam
254    ################################################################################
255    def update_laplacegrid(self, spinmax=10000.0, spindensity=1.0):
256        """
257        Recalculating the spin parameter range and the corresponding lambda eigenvalues included within the asymptotic object.
259        Parameters
260        ----------
261        self: asymptotic object
262        spinmax: float
263            The maximum spin parameter value for which lambda eigenvalues will be retrieved
264            (following the Laplace tidal equation). Default value = 1000.
265        spindensity: float
266            A scaling factor for the sampling density function. The default value (=1) results
267            in 20000 data points for the spin parameter range [0, 100].
268        """
270        self.spin, self.lam, self.spinsqlam = self._sample_laplacegrid(
271            spinmax=spinmax, spindensity=spindensity
272        )
274    ################################################################################
275    def uniform_pattern(self, frot, Pi0, alpha_g=0.5, unit="days"):
276        """
277        Calculates the asymptotic period spacing pattern for a star with uniform rotation, following Eq.4 in Van Reeth et al. 2016, A&A, 593, A120.
279        Parameters
280        ----------
281        self: asymptotic object
282        frot: astropy quantity (type frequency)
283            the rotation frequency of the star
284        Pi0: astropy quantity (type time)
285            the buoyancy radius of the star
286        alpha_g:  float
287            phase term, dependent on the boundary conditions of the g-mode cavity. Typically, alpha_g = 1/2.
288        unit: string
289            The preferred (astropy) unit of the calculated g-mode pattern. The options are 'days', 'seconds',
290            'cycle_per_day', 'muHz', 'nHz', 'Hz'. Default = 'days'.
292        Returns
293        ----------
294        pattern:  array, dtype = astropy quantity matching the preferred 'unit'.
295        """
297        ### Verifying the input
299        # Make sure that the rotation frequency and the buoyancy radius have appropriate units
300        assert (
301            frot.unit.physical_type == "frequency"
302        ), "The provided rotation frequency does not have a frequency unit (as provided in astropy.units)."
303        assert (
304            Pi0.unit.physical_type == "time"
305        ), "The provided buoyancy radius does not have a time unit (as provided in astropy.units)."
307        # Can we handle the preferred output unit?
308        allowed_output_units = {
309            "days": u.day,
310            "seconds": u.s,
311            "cycle_per_day": u.day**-1.0,
312            "muHz": u.uHz,
313            "nHz": u.nHz,
314            "Hz": u.Hz,
315        }
316        assert (
317            unit in allowed_output_units.keys()
318        ), f"Please ensure that the requested output unit is one of: {', '.join(str(x_unit) for x_unit in allowed_output_units.keys())}."
319        astrounit = allowed_output_units[unit]
321        ### Alright, start the calculation!
323        # Safety check: the following routine only works if frot != 0
324        if frot != 0.0 * frot.unit:
325            # Calculating the pattern -- in spin parameter
326            basefun_lhs = 2.0 * float(frot * Pi0) * (self.nvals + alpha_g)
327            basefun_rhs = self.spinsqlam
328            selected_spin = np.interp(basefun_lhs, basefun_rhs, self.spin)
330            # Setting the values which lie outside of the computable range to "nan"
331            out_of_range = ~np.r_[
332                (basefun_lhs >= np.amin(basefun_rhs)) & (basefun_lhs <= np.amax(basefun_rhs))
333            ]
334            selected_spin[out_of_range] = np.nan
336            # Converting to frequencies -- in the unit of frot
337            puls_freq = (2.0 * frot / selected_spin) + (self.mval * frot)
339        # if frot == 0, the Taylor expansion cannot be used to model differential rotation:
340        # everything reverts to the case of non-rotation.
341        else:
342            if np.amin(self.spin) < 0.0:
343                # Pulsation frequencies -- in the unit of 1/Pi0
344                puls_freq = np.sqrt(np.interp(0.0, self.spin, self.lam)) / (
345                    Pi0 * (self.nvals + alpha_g)
346                )
347            else:
348                # These are likely r-modes -- not present in a non-rotating star!
349                puls_freq = self.nvals * np.nan
351        # Converting to the preferred output unit
352        if astrounit.physical_type == "frequency":
353            pattern = puls_freq.to(astrounit)
354        else:
355            pattern = (1.0 / puls_freq).to(astrounit)
357        return pattern
359    ################################################################################
360    def scale_pattern(self, pattern_in, frot_in, frot_out):
361        """
362        Scale an input g-mode pulsation pattern according to a different rotation rate
364        Parameters
365        ----------
366        self:  asymptotic object
367        pattern_in: astropy quantity array
368            the input g-mode pulsation pattern (associated with the same mode identification as the asymptotic object)
369        frot_in: astropy quantity (frequency)
370            the cyclic rotation frequency associated with the input g-mode pulsation pattern
371        frot_out: astropy quantity (frequency)
372            the cyclic rotation frequency to which we want to scale the input g-mode pulsation pattern
374        Returns
375        ----------
376        pattern_out:   astropy quantity array
377            the output (scaled) g-mode pulsation pattern, with the same unit as pattern_in
378        """
380        # checking if the input pattern has been given as frequencies or periods
381        if pattern_in.unit.physical_type == "frequency":
382            in_freq_co = pattern_in.copy() - self.mval * frot_in
383        else:
384            in_freq_co = (1.0 / pattern_in) - self.mval * frot_in
386        spin_in = 2.0 * frot_in.value / in_freq_co.to(frot_in.unit).value
387        spin_sqlam = np.interp(spin_in, self.spin, self.spinsqlam)
388        spin_out = np.interp(
389            spin_sqlam * frot_out.value / frot_in.to(frot_out.unit).value, self.spinsqlam, self.spin
390        )
391        out_freq_inert = (2.0 * frot_out / spin_out) + self.mval * frot_out
393        if pattern_in.unit.physical_type == "frequency":
394            pattern_out = out_freq_inert.to(pattern_in.unit)
395        else:
396            out_per_inert = 1.0 / out_freq_inert
397            pattern_out = out_per_inert.to(pattern_in.unit)
399        return pattern_out

A python class to calculate g-mode period spacing patterns in the asymptotic regime using the TAR.

Asymptotic(gyre_dir, kval=0, mval=1, nmin=1, nmax=150)
17    def __init__(self, gyre_dir, kval=0, mval=1, nmin=1, nmax=150):
18        """
19        Setting up the environment/asymptotic object to calculate g-mode period spacing patterns.
21        Parameters
22        ----------
23        gyre_dir: string
24            The GYRE installation directory.
25        kval: int
26            Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern. For gravito-inertial
27            modes with an equivalent in a non-rotating star, k = l - |m|. Default value = 0.
28        mval: int
29            Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern: azimuthal order.
30            mval > 0 for prograde modes. Default value = 1.
31        nmin: int
32            The minimum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 1.
33        nmax: int
34            The maximum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 150.
35        """
37        self.kval = int(kval)
38        self.mval = int(mval)
39        self.nvals = np.arange(nmin, nmax + 0.1, 1.0)
41        self.lam_fun = self._retrieve_laplacegrid(gyre_dir)
42        self.spin, self.lam, self.spinsqlam = self._sample_laplacegrid()

Setting up the environment/asymptotic object to calculate g-mode period spacing patterns.

  • gyre_dir (string): The GYRE installation directory.
  • kval (int): Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern. For gravito-inertial modes with an equivalent in a non-rotating star, k = l - |m|. Default value = 0.
  • mval (int): Part of the mode identification of the pulsation pattern: azimuthal order. mval > 0 for prograde modes. Default value = 1.
  • nmin (int): The minimum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 1.
  • nmax (int): The maximum radial order that we will (attempt to) calculate. Default value = 150.
def update_laplacegrid(self, spinmax=10000.0, spindensity=1.0):
255    def update_laplacegrid(self, spinmax=10000.0, spindensity=1.0):
256        """
257        Recalculating the spin parameter range and the corresponding lambda eigenvalues included within the asymptotic object.
259        Parameters
260        ----------
261        self: asymptotic object
262        spinmax: float
263            The maximum spin parameter value for which lambda eigenvalues will be retrieved
264            (following the Laplace tidal equation). Default value = 1000.
265        spindensity: float
266            A scaling factor for the sampling density function. The default value (=1) results
267            in 20000 data points for the spin parameter range [0, 100].
268        """
270        self.spin, self.lam, self.spinsqlam = self._sample_laplacegrid(
271            spinmax=spinmax, spindensity=spindensity
272        )

Recalculating the spin parameter range and the corresponding lambda eigenvalues included within the asymptotic object.

  • self (asymptotic object):

  • spinmax (float): The maximum spin parameter value for which lambda eigenvalues will be retrieved (following the Laplace tidal equation). Default value = 1000.

  • spindensity (float): A scaling factor for the sampling density function. The default value (=1) results in 20000 data points for the spin parameter range [0, 100].
def uniform_pattern(self, frot, Pi0, alpha_g=0.5, unit='days'):
275    def uniform_pattern(self, frot, Pi0, alpha_g=0.5, unit="days"):
276        """
277        Calculates the asymptotic period spacing pattern for a star with uniform rotation, following Eq.4 in Van Reeth et al. 2016, A&A, 593, A120.
279        Parameters
280        ----------
281        self: asymptotic object
282        frot: astropy quantity (type frequency)
283            the rotation frequency of the star
284        Pi0: astropy quantity (type time)
285            the buoyancy radius of the star
286        alpha_g:  float
287            phase term, dependent on the boundary conditions of the g-mode cavity. Typically, alpha_g = 1/2.
288        unit: string
289            The preferred (astropy) unit of the calculated g-mode pattern. The options are 'days', 'seconds',
290            'cycle_per_day', 'muHz', 'nHz', 'Hz'. Default = 'days'.
292        Returns
293        ----------
294        pattern:  array, dtype = astropy quantity matching the preferred 'unit'.
295        """
297        ### Verifying the input
299        # Make sure that the rotation frequency and the buoyancy radius have appropriate units
300        assert (
301            frot.unit.physical_type == "frequency"
302        ), "The provided rotation frequency does not have a frequency unit (as provided in astropy.units)."
303        assert (
304            Pi0.unit.physical_type == "time"
305        ), "The provided buoyancy radius does not have a time unit (as provided in astropy.units)."
307        # Can we handle the preferred output unit?
308        allowed_output_units = {
309            "days": u.day,
310            "seconds": u.s,
311            "cycle_per_day": u.day**-1.0,
312            "muHz": u.uHz,
313            "nHz": u.nHz,
314            "Hz": u.Hz,
315        }
316        assert (
317            unit in allowed_output_units.keys()
318        ), f"Please ensure that the requested output unit is one of: {', '.join(str(x_unit) for x_unit in allowed_output_units.keys())}."
319        astrounit = allowed_output_units[unit]
321        ### Alright, start the calculation!
323        # Safety check: the following routine only works if frot != 0
324        if frot != 0.0 * frot.unit:
325            # Calculating the pattern -- in spin parameter
326            basefun_lhs = 2.0 * float(frot * Pi0) * (self.nvals + alpha_g)
327            basefun_rhs = self.spinsqlam
328            selected_spin = np.interp(basefun_lhs, basefun_rhs, self.spin)
330            # Setting the values which lie outside of the computable range to "nan"
331            out_of_range = ~np.r_[
332                (basefun_lhs >= np.amin(basefun_rhs)) & (basefun_lhs <= np.amax(basefun_rhs))
333            ]
334            selected_spin[out_of_range] = np.nan
336            # Converting to frequencies -- in the unit of frot
337            puls_freq = (2.0 * frot / selected_spin) + (self.mval * frot)
339        # if frot == 0, the Taylor expansion cannot be used to model differential rotation:
340        # everything reverts to the case of non-rotation.
341        else:
342            if np.amin(self.spin) < 0.0:
343                # Pulsation frequencies -- in the unit of 1/Pi0
344                puls_freq = np.sqrt(np.interp(0.0, self.spin, self.lam)) / (
345                    Pi0 * (self.nvals + alpha_g)
346                )
347            else:
348                # These are likely r-modes -- not present in a non-rotating star!
349                puls_freq = self.nvals * np.nan
351        # Converting to the preferred output unit
352        if astrounit.physical_type == "frequency":
353            pattern = puls_freq.to(astrounit)
354        else:
355            pattern = (1.0 / puls_freq).to(astrounit)
357        return pattern

Calculates the asymptotic period spacing pattern for a star with uniform rotation, following Eq.4 in Van Reeth et al. 2016, A&A, 593, A120.

  • self (asymptotic object):

  • frot (astropy quantity (type frequency)): the rotation frequency of the star

  • Pi0 (astropy quantity (type time)): the buoyancy radius of the star
  • alpha_g (float): phase term, dependent on the boundary conditions of the g-mode cavity. Typically, alpha_g = 1/2.
  • unit (string): The preferred (astropy) unit of the calculated g-mode pattern. The options are 'days', 'seconds', 'cycle_per_day', 'muHz', 'nHz', 'Hz'. Default = 'days'.
  • pattern (array, dtype = astropy quantity matching the preferred 'unit'.):
def scale_pattern(self, pattern_in, frot_in, frot_out):
360    def scale_pattern(self, pattern_in, frot_in, frot_out):
361        """
362        Scale an input g-mode pulsation pattern according to a different rotation rate
364        Parameters
365        ----------
366        self:  asymptotic object
367        pattern_in: astropy quantity array
368            the input g-mode pulsation pattern (associated with the same mode identification as the asymptotic object)
369        frot_in: astropy quantity (frequency)
370            the cyclic rotation frequency associated with the input g-mode pulsation pattern
371        frot_out: astropy quantity (frequency)
372            the cyclic rotation frequency to which we want to scale the input g-mode pulsation pattern
374        Returns
375        ----------
376        pattern_out:   astropy quantity array
377            the output (scaled) g-mode pulsation pattern, with the same unit as pattern_in
378        """
380        # checking if the input pattern has been given as frequencies or periods
381        if pattern_in.unit.physical_type == "frequency":
382            in_freq_co = pattern_in.copy() - self.mval * frot_in
383        else:
384            in_freq_co = (1.0 / pattern_in) - self.mval * frot_in
386        spin_in = 2.0 * frot_in.value / in_freq_co.to(frot_in.unit).value
387        spin_sqlam = np.interp(spin_in, self.spin, self.spinsqlam)
388        spin_out = np.interp(
389            spin_sqlam * frot_out.value / frot_in.to(frot_out.unit).value, self.spinsqlam, self.spin
390        )
391        out_freq_inert = (2.0 * frot_out / spin_out) + self.mval * frot_out
393        if pattern_in.unit.physical_type == "frequency":
394            pattern_out = out_freq_inert.to(pattern_in.unit)
395        else:
396            out_per_inert = 1.0 / out_freq_inert
397            pattern_out = out_per_inert.to(pattern_in.unit)
399        return pattern_out

Scale an input g-mode pulsation pattern according to a different rotation rate

  • self (asymptotic object):

  • pattern_in (astropy quantity array): the input g-mode pulsation pattern (associated with the same mode identification as the asymptotic object)

  • frot_in (astropy quantity (frequency)): the cyclic rotation frequency associated with the input g-mode pulsation pattern
  • frot_out (astropy quantity (frequency)): the cyclic rotation frequency to which we want to scale the input g-mode pulsation pattern
  • pattern_out (astropy quantity array): the output (scaled) g-mode pulsation pattern, with the same unit as pattern_in