In the previous minilab we had a look at how varying the extent of the exponential diffusive overshoot region changes the asymptotic period spacing of dipole ($\ell=1$) modes, $\Pi_{\ell=1}$. An even better option for studying CBM is using the individual g-mode oscillation periods of the stars, and study the changes in the morphology of their period spacing patterns. Such patterns are constructed by calculating the period differences $\Delta P$ between modes of the same degree $\ell$ and azimuthal order $m$ and consecutive radial orders $n$, and then plotting these differences as a function of the oscillation periods. For a chemically homogeneous, non-rotating star we expect these patterns to be homogenous as
\begin{equation} \Delta P \approx P_{2} - P_{1} \approx P_{3} - P_{2} \approx \dots \approx P_{n} - P_{n-1} \approx \frac{\Pi_0}{\sqrt{\ell (\ell +1)}}. \end{equation}
As the star evolves on the main-sequence and consumes hydrogen in its core, the chemical profile of the star is no longer homogenous. Instead a chemical gradient is developed as the convective core contracts during the main-sequence evolution, which traps the oscillations and gives rise to dips in the period spacing pattern as demonstrated in the figure below.
As internal mixing changes this gradient, it likewise results in changes in the morphology of the period spacing pattern. In this minilab we are going to study these changes to the patterns from exponential diffusive overshooting for a terminal age main-sequence $4\,{\rm M}_\odot$ SPB star. In order to calculate the stellar oscillations, we are going to use the stellar oscillation code GYRE
which is included as part of the MESA
MESA + GYRE aims: In this MESA
lab you will learn how to run GYRE
outside of MESA
, what additional parameters are needed in your MESA
to generate files needed as input in GYRE
, and how to construct a GYRE inlist
Science aims: Investigating what effect convective boundary mixing has on period spacing patterns of SPB stars.
Minilab 2
Warning! These MESA
labs have been put together with both low time and spatial resolution for the sake of having the models be completed within a sensible timeframe for the summer school. Before any of these steps or result can be used in any type of actual science case, carrying out a convergence study is crucial!
Minilab 1 solution: download
Minilab 2 solution: download
For the TAs: Additional instructions for plotting period spacing patterns are available at the bottom of the home page. We expect you to be in charge of plotting these patterns to avoid having the students spend time on trying to get the provided scripts to work. Should they have extra time available, however, they are more than welcome to try out the scripts themselves as well.
The first step of this minilab is making sure that we can run GYRE
as a standalone module outside of MESA
. In order to be able to do so, we have to set the path to the GYRE
directory in your shell-startup file, just like how you had to do so when installing MESA
. Depending on your operating system this is likely to either $HOME/.bashrc
or $HOME/.zshrc
, but you can also check this using the command:
echo $0
directory that has to be set is $MESA_DIR/gyre/gyre
. So as an example, this is what my $HOME/.zshrc
file looks like when the path to GYRE
has been set correctly:
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 export MESA_DIR=/Users/mped4857/Software/MESA/mesa-r23.05.1 export MESASDK_ROOT=/Applications/mesasdk source $MESASDK_ROOT/bin/ export GYRE_DIR=$MESA_DIR/gyre/gyre
Once the path to GYRE
has been set, we need to first source our bash shell-startup file
source $HOME/.zshrc
When initially installing MESA
, the GYRE
code should also have been compiled automatically. However, if this turns out not to be the case for you (this will become clear once you start trying to run GYRE
) then you will have to complete the following two steps in your terminal to compile GYRE
using make
inside your GYRE
If the installation went smoothly, then now we should be able to run GYRE
outside of MESA
Let’s start by creating a new MESA
work directory by copying the one we created for Minilab 1. If you were unable to complete Minilab 1, then you can download the solution from here.
cp -r SPB_minilab_1 SPB_minilab_2
cd SPB_minilab_2
./clean && ./mk
Also, delete the current contents of your LOGS
directory to avoid confusion with previous models from minilab 1.
Before we run GYRE
we have to first tell MESA
to output profiles in a format that GYRE
can read as input. We can do so by modifying the &controls
section of inlist_project
. These controls are called controls for output in the MESA
Task 1
Add the following asteroseismology inlist parameters to &controls
- Tell
to write the pulsation data along with theMESA
profiles. - Set the pulsation data format to
The parameters that have to be added are: write_pulse_data_with_profile
and pulse_data_format
Task 2
Amongst the people at your table, distribute the following values for the overshooting parameter overshoot_f(1)
and use that in your inlist_project
: 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04. Likewise, change your log_directory
parameter LOGS/4Msun_#fov
to match the new value of the overshooting parameter. Then run MESA
Your inlist_project
should now look something like this.
is done running you should see that you now have additional output files in your LOGS/4Msun_#fov
directory with a ‘GYRE’ extension, one for each of your MESA
files of the format
. It is these
files that we need to use as input for the GYRE
computations, where we use GYRE
to calculate the associated theoretical oscillations for our
model. We note that as an alternative, the GSM
format is another pulsation data format that is written specifically for GYRE
and uses an HDF5-based format
instead of the plain-text format
that we get by using 'GYRE'
for the pulse_data_format
parameter in inlist_project
Just like MESA
also has an inlist file that we have to either create or modify. Information on how to construct such a file is given on the
documentation website. Discussions, bugs and feature requests can be found on the GYRE
discussion forum. As a starting point, let’s create an empty GYRE
input file called
inside our MESA
work directory using your favourite text editor.
The setup of the different sections (i.e. namelists) that we need to include in
is the same as for your MESA
file, i.e. a section starts with &name
and ends with /
. As a minimum, we want to include the input model specifications (&model
), which oscillation modes to compute (&mode
), information on the inner and outer boundary of the model (&osc
), which numerical solver to use (&num
), how to scan the frequency region of interest (&scan
), include an oscillatory weight parameter for the spatial grid (&grid
), and what to output (&ad_output
and &nad_output
). More information on how to set these up is given in the Namelist Input Files section on the GYRE
documentation website. In addition to the above-mentioned namelist sections, GYRE
also requires the physical constants to be defined in &constants
as well as specifying the rotation setup (&rot
). We are just going to use the default values for these.
&constants / &model / &rot / &mode / &osc / &num / &scan / &grid / &ad_output / &nad_output /
Task 3
Create a
file and include the namelist sections &constants
, &model
, &rot
, &mode
, &osc
, &num
, &scan
, &grid
, &ad_output
, and &nad_output
as shown above.
Now that we have included the relevant namelist sections for this MESA
lab, we will start by telling GYRE
which model (file
) it should use for the computations. When doing so, we also need to tell GYRE
that this input model is an evolutionary model read from an external file (model_type
) that was calculated by MESA
). As a start, lets use
as an input file.
Task 4
In the &model
namelist section, include the parameters:
file = './LOGS/4Msun_#fov/'
model_type = 'EVOL'
file_format = 'MESA'
Make sure you use your chosen value of $f_{\rm ov}$ in place of #
. Other possible options for how to set these parameters as well as which additional parameters you can add to the &model
section are listed under Stellar Model Parameters.
Next, lets setup the &osc and &num namelist sections.
Task 5
In the &osc
namelist section set the outer boundary parameter outer_bound = 'VACUUM'
and the inner boundary parameter inner_bound = 'REGULAR'
. These determine the outer and inner boundary conditions of the model when calculating the oscillations. In &num
tell GYRE
to use the 4th-order Gauss-Legendre Magnus solver for initial-value integrations 'MAGNUS_GL4'
using the diff_scheme
Once we have our numerics and model specifications, we now want to tell GYRE
which oscillations to compute. We will do so using the two namelist sections &mode and &scan. For this MESA
lab we will focus on dipole prograde ($\ell =1, m=1$) modes with radial orders between $-1$ and $-80$. Note that by convention, we use negative radial orders for g-modes and positive radial orders for p-modes. In principle, it doesn’t matter what we are setting $m$ to be as long as we are fulfilling $m = -\ell, \dots, \ell$. This is because we are currently not including rotation in our GYRE
computations, so all of the $m = -\ell, \dots, \ell$ modes for the same $\ell$ and $n$ value would have the same frequency. To include rotation, we would have to include additional parameters in the &rot namelist section in our GYRE
inlist file as rotation is turned off by default. You will see more on this during the MESA
lab sessions on Thursday. For now, we stick to using ($\ell =1, m=1$) as these are the modes most commonly detected in SPB stars.
Task 6
In the &mode
namelist section, include the parameters:
l = 1
m = 1
n_pg_min = -80
n_pg_max = -1
The relevant frequency range to consider for g-modes in SPB stars is between $0.05 {\rm d}^{-1}$0.05d-1 and $5 {\rm d}^{-1}$ 5d-1. We will tell GYRE
to split this range into 400 bins that are equally spaced in period rather than frequency. This is because the g-modes are approximately equally spaced in period contrary to p-modes that are equally spaced in frequency. Finally, we want the oscillation frequencies to be calculated in the inertial (i.e. observer) frame of reference. For recommendations on how to set up your Frequency Grid you can check out the Understanding Grids section on the GYRE
documentation website.
Task 7
In the &scan
namelist section, include the parameters:
grid_type = 'INVERSE'
freq_frame = 'INERTIAL'
freq_min = 0.05
freq_max = 5
freq_min_units = 'CYC_PER_DAY'
freq_max_units = 'CYC_PER_DAY'
n_freq = 400
When computing the oscillations we want to make sure that we have a high resolution in the spatial grid where large variations in the displacement perturbation $\xi$ are occurring. We do so by adding three additional parameters to &grid which are described in detail in Spatial Grids section on the GYRE
documentation website.
Task 8
In the &grid
namelist section, include the parameters:
w_osc = 10
w_exp = 2
w_ctr = 10
Now our last step is to tell GYRE
what to output using &ad_output. There are two types of output files to consider: the summary and detail output files. The summary
file provides an overview of the GYRE
calculations for all considered modes, such as their frequencies, degree $\ell$, and azimuthal order $m$ values, whereas the detail
files provide additional information on each one of the calculated modes such as their radial ($\xi_r$) and horizontal ($\xi_h$) displacements as a function of the radius coordinate. You, therefore, get one detail file per calculated mode. In this MESA
lab, we are only interested in the summary
Task 9
In the &ad_output
namelist section, include the parameters:
summary_file = './LOGS/4Msun_#fov/profile2_summary.txt'
summary_file_format = 'TXT'
summary_item_list = 'l,m,n_p,n_g,n_pg,freq'
freq_units = 'CYC_PER_DAY'
Did you notice that we will only be asking GYRE
to output the adiabatic solutions (&ad_output
) to the oscillation equations? We choose to do so here for a couple of reasons. The first and most important one is because it is faster and for this MESA
lab, we are not going to look into which modes are excited which would require us to find the non-adiabatic solutions (&nad_output
). The second reason is that we generally observe more modes than what are predicted to be excited by the standard opacity tables in MESA
. We note that changing from adiabatic to nonadiabatic calculations will not result in any significant changes to the output oscillation frequencies, but is required in order to determine which modes are predicted to be excited.
If you have done everything correctly, then your
file should now look something like this
&constants / &model file = './LOGS/4Msun_0.01fov/' model_type = 'EVOL' file_format = 'MESA' / &rot / &mode l = 1 m = 1 n_pg_min = -80 n_pg_max = -1 / &osc outer_bound = 'VACUUM' inner_bound = 'REGULAR' / &num diff_scheme = 'MAGNUS_GL4' / &scan grid_type = 'INVERSE' freq_frame = 'INERTIAL' freq_min = 0.05 freq_max = 5 freq_min_units = 'CYC_PER_DAY' freq_max_units = 'CYC_PER_DAY' n_freq = 400 / &grid w_osc = 10 w_exp = 2 w_ctr = 10 / &ad_output summary_file = './LOGS/4Msun_0.01fov/profile2_summary.txt' summary_file_format = 'TXT' summary_item_list = 'l,m,n_p,n_g,n_pg,freq' freq_units = 'CYC_PER_DAY' / &nad_output /
With our
file now setup and ready we can now run GYRE
If everything is running correctly, then this should give you output of the following format
gyre [7.0] ---------- OpenMP Threads : 4 Input filename : Model Init ---------- Reading from MESA file File name ./LOGS/4Msun_0.01fov/ File version 1.01 Read 858 points No need to add central point Mode Search ----------- Mode parameters l : 1 m : 1 Building frequency grid (REAL axis) added scan interval : 0.2131E-01 -> 0.2131E+01 (400 points, INVERSE) Building spatial grid Scaffold grid from model Refined 275 subinterval(s) in iteration 1 Refined 439 subinterval(s) in iteration 2 Refined 488 subinterval(s) in iteration 3 Refined 277 subinterval(s) in iteration 4 Refined 202 subinterval(s) in iteration 5 Refined 0 subinterval(s) in iteration 6 Final grid has 1 segment(s) and 2539 point(s): Segment 1 : x range 0.0000 -> 1.0000 (1 -> 2539) Starting search (adiabatic) Evaluating discriminant Time elapsed : 1.693 s Root Solving 1 1 -80 0 80 0.77886348E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.1922E-13 7 1 1 -79 0 79 0.78848053E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.3866E-13 7 1 1 -78 0 78 0.79831095E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.3558E-13 7 1 1 -77 0 77 0.80867358E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.2188E-13 7 1 1 -76 0 76 0.81899870E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.3835E-13 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 -5 0 5 0.10925157E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.2445E-13 10 1 1 -4 0 4 0.13210318E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.2485E-14 9 1 1 -3 0 3 0.17990437E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.2877E-13 12 Time elapsed : 9.340 s
Notice that at the very beginning, GYRE
is telling us that we are using GYRE
version 7.0. Just like MESA
namelist parameters and sections can change between GYRE
versions. Make sure you are always referring to the GYRE
documentation for the GYRE
version that you are using.
Currently, the profile file you have been using is likely very different from the one of the other people at your table. This is because they will be at different core hydrogen mass fractions.
Task 10
Check what value of center_h1
file corresponds to. How different is your value to the rest of the people at your table?
Look for the value of center_h1
in the header at the top of your
Ideally when you are comparing period spacing patterns you want to make sure that you are comparing them for the same core hydrogen mass fraction $X_{\rm c}$. You can do so by decreasing the MESA
time step around a specific value of $X_{\rm c}$ that you are interested in and then tell MESA
to save a profile when you get close to this value. This is something you would do inside your run_star_extras.f90
. For now, we will take a simpler approach, and instead decrease the time step as we approach core hydrogen exhaustion and then save a profile when MESA
is terminated.
Task 11
In your inlist_project
file specify under &star_job
that MESA
has to output a profile when it terminates and name this profile
. Under &controls
, add the following two parameters: delta_lg_XH_cntr_max = -1
and delta_lg_XH_cntr_limit = 0.05
. Run MESA
The two parameters you have to add in &star_job
are: write_profile_when_terminate = .true.
and filename_for_profile_when_terminate = 'LOGS/4Msun_#fov/'
Task 12
Modify the two parameters file
and summary_file
in your
file to use your new
file and rename the output summary file final_summary_#fov.txt
. Also set n_freq = 1000
. Then rerun GYRE
Your inlist_project
should now look something like this and your
something like this.
Once you have your final_summary_#fov.txt
share it with your TA. They have a python
script available to plot all of the period spacing patterns together and just need your final_summary_#fov.txt
file. If you want to have a go at using these scripts to plot it yourself, you can get them from here. Make sure to check out the notes.txt
file first or follow the instructions for the TAs at the bottom of the home page.
Task 13
Compare the period spacing patterns for the four different overshooting parameters. How are they different/similar?
As an example of what the period spacing patterns might look like we show below the period spacing patterns calculated from the final_summary_0.01fov.txt
(blue) and profile2_summary.txt
(orange) GYRE
output files assuming $f_{\rm ov} = 0.01$.
Bonus exercise 1: Varying GYRE input parameters
Currently, when you run GYRE
you should see that all modes have $n_{\rm pg} = -n_{\rm g}$ and all g-modes between $n_{\rm g} = 3$ and $80$ are being output. The exact output will change depending on how you setup your GYRE
inlist. For this bonus exercise we are going to investigate what happens when we change the parameters: freq_min
, freq_max
, grid_type
, n_freq
, and summary_item_list
Task B1.1
Change your parameter n_freq
to 10, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 600. What happens to the number of output frequencies and time it takes for GYRE
to finish its calculations? What is the minimum value for n_freq
that you need to get all modes from $n_{\rm g} = 5$ to $80$?
Task B1.2
Play around with the two parameters freq_min
and freq_max
. What values do you need to use to get the full list of ($\ell, m$) = ($1,1$) from $n_{\rm pg} = -1$ to $-80$?
You may need to increase n_freq
as well.
Task B1.3
Change the parameter grid_type
then run GYRE
. What happens to your output? What value do you need to use for n_freq
to get the same output as before?
Task B1.4
Have a look at the possible
summary file output on the GYRE
documentation website. Find the parameter for the stellar mass as well as the effective temperature perturbation amplitude and phase and included them as output for your GYRE
computations. Run GYRE
to make sure everything works.
Now before moving on to the next exercises, make sure you reset the parameters in your
file to the initial ones, i.e.
freq_min = 0.05
freq_max = 5.0
n_freq = 1000
grid_type = 'INVERSE'
summary_item_list = 'l,m,n_p,n_g,n_pg,freq'
Bonus exercise 2: Resolution impact on period spacing patterns
So far, aside from additional time step resolution near the end of the main-sequence evolution, we have been using the default mesh grid and time step resolution in MESA
. The period spacing patterns are very sensitive to the profile of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, as it determines where the g-modes can propagate and how they get trapped near the core as a chemical gradient is developed when the convective core contracts. Therefore, if we want to model them we have to make sure that the Brunt-Vaisala frequency profile is converged. Remember that when using MESA
for any type of science, it is always important to test if your models are converged!
For this bonus exercise, we are going to play around with the two parameters mesh_delta_coeff
and time_delta_coeff
and see how they change the Brunt-Vaisala frequency profile.
Task B2.1
Copy profile_columns.list
from $MESA_DIR/star/defaults/
to your SPB_minilab_2
work directory. Make sure that brunt_N2
, brunt_N2_structure_term
, and brunt_N2_composition_term
are included as output.
Task B2.2
Add the following to inlist_pgstar
Profile_Panels1_win_flag = .true.
Profile_Panels1_num_panels = 2
Profile_Panels1_yaxis_name(1) = 'brunt_N2'
Profile_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(1) = ''
Profile_Panels1_yaxis_name(2) = 'brunt_N2_structure_term'
Profile_Panels1_other_yaxis_name(2) = 'brunt_N2_composition_term'
Profile_Panels1_file_flag = .true.
Profile_Panels1_file_dir = 'png'
Profile_Panels1_file_prefix = 'profile_panels1_1.0mdc_1.0tdc_'
Profile_Panels1_file_width = 12
Profile_Panels1_file_aspect_ratio = 0.75
This will save the pgstar
window showing the Profile_Panels1
plot to the png directory. We will need those for comparisons later. An example of what this pgstar
window looks like is shown below.
Task B2.3
Include the two parameters mesh_delta_coeff = 1.0
and time_delta_coeff = 1.0
in your inlist_project
under &controls
. Change your output LOGS directory to log_directory = 'LOGS/4Msun_#fov_1.0mdc_1.0tdc'
. Likewise make sure to change filename_for_profile_when_terminate = 'LOGS/4Msun_#fov_1.0mdc_1.0tdc/'
. Then run MESA
Take note of the output to the png directory. Is the Brunt-Vaisala frequency profile looking smooth?
Task B2.4
Now change the mesh_delta_coeff
and time_delta_coeff
parameters to match the combinations listed in the table below. Remember to also change log_directory
, filename_for_profile_when_terminate
, and Profile_Panels1_file_prefix
accordingly to not overwrite your previous saved files. Then rerun MESA
and look at how your saved profile plots of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency profile compare to each other. Do they change as you change the mesh and time resolution? If so, in what way?
mesh_delta_coeff (mdc) |
time_delta_coeff (tdc) |
1.0 | 1.0 |
1.0 | 0.5 |
0.5 | 1.0 |
0.5 | 0.5 |
If you also run
for each one of these configurations, you can check how the period spacing patterns are changing as well.